If you're looking for job placement through the EB-3 program or an opportunity to interview with a U.S. employer, simply fill out the form on this page with your details,
and we'll get in touch with you.
To explore the job opportunities currently available with our employers, candidates must register with us and participate in one or more video calls. We’re excited to assist you, but to protect employer privacy and confidentiality, we do not share their details publicly. Register with us to receive all the necessary information and take the next step in your journey.

Please review the following important information, which is beneficial for many applicants and essential for you to understand at the outset of this process:
- While we assist in connecting candidates with employers, the final hiring decision is solely at the discretion of the employer.
- Before your interview with an employer, we will conduct an initial screening via Zoom (if required) or ask you to complete a questionnaire to ensure you meet the necessary job criteria. Please provide complete and honest responses.
- Keep your discussions focused on the job, the company, and your background. Do not ask immigration, PERM process, or logistical questions during your interview. Direct those inquiries to our law office, and we will be happy to assist you.
- If you are interested in a specific company, contact us first for screening to determine if we can refer you for an interview. Do not reach out to employers directly. We are committed to providing our employer clients with a seamless process, so we kindly ask for your cooperation in directing all inquiries through our office. We will keep you updated as needed.
- If you are not selected after an interview, we will do our best to match you with another suitable employer.
- This process is long and typically takes at least a year. We can provide you with a detailed handout explaining why. While we are working to move things along as quickly as possible, please be realistic and plan accordingly. Do not quit your current job, make travel arrangements, or take other major steps until your immigrant visa is issued towards the end of the process.